June 2019 | 2nd Issue
Registration & Abstract Submission Open
    In this Issue

Welcome Message from APVRS President
Registration & Abstract Submission Now Open
Scientific Program Committee
Meeting Highlights
Sponsor the 13th APVRS Congress

Travel Grant Application

    Welcome Message from APVRS President

Dear Friends and Colleagues, 

It is my pleasure and honor to welcome you to the 13th APVRS Congress, which will be held in Shanghai this year. 

As one of the key ophthalmology conferences in the Asia-Pacific region, the APVRS Congress has served as an excellent platform to address the emergence of certain retinal conditions, such as myopia and diabetes, and provide programs to develop skilled ophthalmologists. It attracts leading vitreoretinal specialists from around the world to share their knowledge and experience.  

With so many renowned speakers, the Congress will be a perfect environment to teach, to gain insight into the latest discoveries and innovations in the vitreoretinal field, and most importantly, to identify the ways to support our developing countries in the region. 

On behalf of APVRS, I welcome you to our Congress and look forward to bringing you a rewarding experience.  

Seeing you in Shanghai! 

With best regards,


Prof. Dennis S C Lam

President, Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society

    Registration & Abstract Submission Now Open

Early bird registration for the 13th APVRS Congress is now open for all delegates through September 22, 2019. Further discounted rates are available for attendees from developing countries as well as trainees. Groups of more than 5 delegates are encouraged to register by November 10, 2019.

For more information about registration, please visit http://2019.apvrs.org/registration/. 

Abstract submission is also open online through July 22, 2019. Authors who wish to present free papers, posters, e-posters and/or videos at the 13th APVRS Congress should submit their abstract(s) via the online abstract submission system at http://congress.apvrs.org/. Please go through the submission guidelines before you begin.

The Selection Committee recommends submitting abstracts as soon as possible to avoid a last-minute rush and system congestion. Late submissions will not be considered.

    Scientific Program Committee

The formation of the Scientific Program Committee for the 13th APVRS Congress is complete. Together, committee members from the Asia-Pacific and around the world will coordinate 32 invited symposia featuring the latest advancements in the vitreo-retina subspecialty.

    Meeting Highlights

Scientific programs are always the key to the success of APVRS Congresses.  

The programs this year are the strongest ever yet. Not only are they packed with cutting edge technologies, such as advances in gene therapy, artificial intelligence, and advanced retinal and choroidal imaging, they also contain updates on issues of interest in the Asia-Pacific region, such as polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy, and pathologic myopia. All these will be delivered by the most world-renowned retinal specialist speakers. 

In addition, this is the first time that the programs contain many sessions on great challenging cases in various areas, both diagnostic and therapeutic, in macular and non-macular surgery, also inflammatory and non-inflammatory medical retinal diseases. Join the Congress to learn more!  

    Sponsor the 13th APVRS Congress

Want to tell the vitreo-retina community about exciting new products and innovations? Interested in supporting the premier meeting for retinal specialists in the Asia-Pacific region? We want to hear from you!

With a yearly average of nearly 1,600 delegates from almost 40 countries, the APVRS Congress offers a wide range of exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities for companies and organizations from around the world. The sponsorship prospectus for APVRS 2019 is now available for download on the Congress website.


The APVRS Secretariat welcomes inquiries from any interested parties in the hopes of creating mutually beneficial arrangements for yet another successful APVRS Congress.

    Travel Grant Application

The APVRS is pleased to offer up to 5 Prof. Yasuo Tano Travel Grants for young vitreo-retinal specialists in the Asia-Pacific region to attend the 13th APVRS Congress. Each successful applicant will receive US$500 if they live outside the host country of the 13th APVRS Congress (i.e. China) whereas those who live in the host country will receive US$250.

Priority will be given to vitreo-retinal specialists who are aged 40 or below, from a developing country and whose presentations (free paper, poster, e-poster or video) have been accepted by the Scientific Program Committee of the 13th APVRS Congress. In order to support delegates from different regions, a maximum of 2 travel grants may be awarded to recipients from the same country each year.

Applications are now accepted until August 30, 2019. Interested ophthalmologists should complete the online application form after logging to the APVRS Congress System at  http://congress.apvrs.org/.


APVRS Secretariat


Phone: (852) 3943-5889
Fax: (852) 2715-9490
Email: secretariat@apvrs.org 
Website: http://2019.apvrs.org/

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